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Summer School

Summer School Information Report

July 27th – August 2nd 2021


Thanks to funding received from the Department for Education, we were able to successfully deliver a week-long summer school which focused on providing academic support and enrichment activities. After a disrupted 18 months due to the pandemic, summer school allowed us to re-focus and re-engage students in preparation for starting secondary school. Students who attended had the opportunity to participate in a range of enrichment activities; building their team work, resilience and social skills. All of the activities below linked to our running theme of Space.


  • Team building and Ice breakers at Bradley Woods Activity Centre
  • Introduction to Astronaut Training School including fitness testing
  • Space exploration with a numeracy focus
  • Creative writing
  • Astronaut diet and cooking
  • Design and produce rocket models looking at aerodynamics in Art
  • Visit from Dr Matt Pritchard – Science based magician

Each attendee also accessed a targeted well-being session which focused on strategies to use to support this and a survey was undertaken to ascertain pre and post Summer School thoughts of each student to measure impact on their well-being. All students attending Summer School were provided with a packed lunch on the first team building day and a hot meal each day for the remainder of the summer school. Fruit was also provided each break time for students.

Student characteristics:

  • 36% qualified for Free School Meals
  • 36% qualified for disadvantaged funding
  • 22% were registered as having a Special Education Need



  • Funding total = £18,447.30
  • Number of students that confirmed a place = 58

Attendance statistics
















Day by day overview

Day 1- Team building and Ice breakers at Bradley Woods Activity Centre

The first day was spent at Bradley Wood Scout Camp and was focused on team building / Ice Breakers. The students and staff undertook a range of activities with a clear focus on working together, overcoming fears / challenge. Problem solving and communication. This day was a great way for students and staff to get to know each other and to start building positive relationships.



Day 2- Introduction to Astronaut Training School, Fitness testing, Art, Textiles and Presentation

The morning sessions were spent undertaking a range of fitness tests including the Speed test, Sargent Jump (Power), Ruler Drop (Reaction Time), Alternate hand throw (Co-ordination), Stork Stand (Balance), Grip Dynamometer test (Strength), Illinois Agility Run, Sit and Reach (Flexibility). The students really enjoyed these tests and numeracy was supported through working out averages and comparing data to national norms / averages.

In Art students started to design and make rocket models looking at aerodynamics etc.

Students also worked on the final presentations which they presented to their peers at the end of the week which focused on oracy skills.




Day 3 - Cooking, Science Magician, PE and Presentation


On Day 3, the students attended a range of sessions ranging from a Science based magician activity by Dr Matt Pritchard, an astronauts diet including protein based flapjacks, fun PE space based sessions and working on their final presentations again.

The Science Magician show was really interactive and explored a range of scientific principles. All students engaged well in the question and answer session.


Day 4- Science / Numeracy, Creative writing (Literacy), Art/Textiles and Presentation

Students undertook a range of activities including Science with a numeracy focus, creative writing and completing their art work and presentations.

The literacy and numeracy sessions really challenged the students. Below are some examples of the ‘cold task’ and the ‘hot task’ (purple pen work) in the creative writing sessions which show the progress made.



Day 5- PE, Wellbeing session and final presentations




On the final day students undertook a targeted well-being session and completed thought and question maps as shown above. They also completed a questionnaire. Students commented that the Summer School had improved their confidence and they felt happier about starting secondary school.

The afternoon was spent completing and delivering presentations to their peers.

Over the course of the week prizes of £10 Amazon vouchers were awarded for achievement and effort. Each student also left the week with a Science based activity box as a memento from the week.



Evidence for literacy and numeracy improvement was evidenced by purple pen improvements

Results from student voice:

Confidence measure

74% showed an improved confidence

Happy / feel safe measure

69% said they felt happier

Alleviated worries measure

87% said that Summer School had helped to alleviate worries